Today I was playing Tball, the rules in the first game you have to run to the cone and then run back to the spot where you hit the ball.

Our coach made us go to 2 teams. Team 1 and 2, I was in team 1. When we were at team 1 we were first to hit the ball, when you hit the ball and the other team catches it they have to come put it on the T, when we hit the ball we have to run to the cone and then run back to the spot where you hit the ball to earn more points for your team.

Next we played a second game that was Tball but with other rules, you have to hit the ball and then run to the cone and then stand there and wait for the next person to hit the ball, when they hit the ball you have to run to the second cone and wait there for the next person. When the person hits the ball and the other team catches the ball thats strike 1. if you run all three cones you win for your team.

I did good at hitting the ball. I enjoyed playing the game. I need to improve on hitting the ball harder.

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