Day: August 19, 2022

Basic Facts Boxes

Today I finished my basic facts.

I completed all of my basic facts.

I finished it in 3.32 minute and I managed to finish my basic facts in a shorter amount of time.

I enjoyed figuring out my basic facts faster.

I need to improve on doing it faster.

I managed to finish my basic facts in a shorter amount of time.

Smart Surfing Basics

Today I learned about Smart Surfing Basics.

We searched the word Kiwi to get a image and get results of how many people searching kiwi’s up. 241,000,000 people have searched about Kiwi’s. Next we had to do search filter. We had to share your top first search result below by doing a image or link. I answerd filter all: 241,000 0.43 secs. And Filter by videos: 3,410,000.

I did good at finding image’s of kiwi’s.

I learned about filter’s allow you to narrow your search.

I need to improve on finishing smart surfing basics faster.

Venn Diagram

Today I finished my Venn Diagram.

The work was should we wear mufti everyday to school, my opinion was no. I pick no because when someone comes in with a shirt that says a different school name on it then the students and teachers will say you dont belong to this school. My second opinion is no again because people could bring hoodies to school and steal somthing. The students may have seen the people with hoodies steal the school stuff but they wont know their identity.
I did good at thinking about what they are going to do with the mufti.

I need to improve on getting the Venn Diagram finished fast.

I enjoyed finishing my work of Venn Diagram.


Today we were learning about basket ball.

First we had to learn the rules from Mr. Wong. The basket ball rules are, use your fingers to bounce the ball, bend your waist and legs. and then you can bounce the ball 6 times then look up and bounce the ball 6 times.
Next we had to practice catching, when we finished practicing passing the ball we had to go back from eachother and then throw the ball. When we throw the ball we have to make our hand a double – u and spread our fingers to catch the ball.

I enjoyed throwing the passing the ball.

I need to improve on bouncing the ball.

I did good at catching.

Speech Persuasive Writing

Today I did my Te Reo Maori about Sir Apirana Ngata.

If you get a 50 doller note you can see Sir Apirana Ngata is face because he is a famous man.

Sir Apirana Ngata is famous and he has interesting, his facts is: What were some of his greatest achievements? He was the first Maori person tobe knighted. Sir Apirana Ngata was born in July 3 1874 at Te Araroa, he died at 1950.